photoÖzgür Tonkal
Department of Software Engineering
Özgür Tonkal
Is currently an assistant professor at Samsun University, Department of Software Engineering. He received his BSc degree in Electronics and Computer Education from Gazi University in 2008 and Computer Engineering from Karabuk University in 2015. He graduated from Gazi University Computer Engineering Department in 2022 by successfully completing his doctoral thesis named Autonomous Attack Detection and Mitigation Model by Network Traffic Aware Approach in Software Defıned Networks.

Software Defined Networks

React is my dynamic web development framework. I apply it to build interactive web applications with rich user interfaces. Its instrumental in creating engaging, responsive, and data-driven web experiences.

Computer Networks

React is my dynamic web development framework. I apply it to build interactive web applications with rich user interfaces. Its instrumental in creating engaging, responsive, and data-driven web experiences.

Machine Learnings

React is my dynamic web development framework. I apply it to build interactive web applications with rich user interfaces. Its instrumental in creating engaging, responsive, and data-driven web experiences.

Cyber Security

React is my dynamic web development framework. I apply it to build interactive web applications with rich user interfaces. Its instrumental in creating engaging, responsive, and data-driven web experiences.

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